images taken at BNF Paris,  from the photographic series “Enjoy Photo Life”

Vesko Gösel (*1983) explores contemporary photography as an artistic practice and began his artistic career as head of the photo club 'ORWO lebt' in Nordhausen, Thuringia. He studied photography at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne until 2008. During this time, he developed his way of working, using drawing and sculptural ideas to question the medium of photography.

For many years he assists the artist Marcel Odenbach Marcel Odenbach︎︎︎ in the realization of large-format paper collages.

He gives workshops at universities and organizes temporary art projects such as Änderungen Aller Art︎︎︎ (2013-2019), the
ArtCasino Waldhausener︎︎︎ (2020/21), and currently
GABA Rheydt︎︎︎(2023-ongoing.)

images & ideas (if not stated otherwise) by Vesko Gösel